Zinquin Ester

Name: Zinquin Ester

CAS Registry Number: 181530-09-6

Molecular Formula: Zinquin Ester / 181530-09-6

CA Index Name: Acetic acid, 2-[[2-methyl-8-[[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl]amino]-6-quinolinyl]oxy]-, ethyl ester

Other Names: Acetic acid, [[2-methyl-8-[[(4-methyl-phenyl)sulfonyl]amino]-6-quinolinyl]oxy]-, ethyl ester; 2-Methyl-8-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonylamino]-6-(ethy-loxycarbonylmethyloxy)quinoline; Zinquin E; Zinquin ester; Zinquin ethyl ester

Merck Index Number: 10169

Chemical / Dye Class: Quinoline

Molecular Formula: C21H22N2O5S

Molecular Weight: 414.47

Physical Form: Colorless crystals

Solubility: Soluble in ethanol, methanol, dimethyl sulfoxide; slightly soluble in water

Melting Point: 111-113 °C

Boiling Point: 578.0 ± 60.0 °C, pressure: 760 Torr

pKa: 7.38 ± 0.30, most acidic, temperature: 25 °C; 3.66 ± 0.50, most basic, temperature: 25 °C

Absorption (λmax): 364 nm

Emission (λmax): 385 nm

Synthesis: Synthetic methods

Staining Applications: Zinc ions

Biological Applications: Zinc indicator; detecting apoptosis

Industrial Applications: Not reported

Safety / Toxicity: Zinc toxicity

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