Sudan III

Name: Sudan III

CAS Registry Number: 85-86-9

Molecular Formula: Sudan III / 85-86-9

CA Index Name: 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[2-[4-(2-phenyl-diazenyl)phenyl]diazenyl]-

Other Names: 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[[4-(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-; 2-Naphthol, 1-(p-phenylazophenylazo)-; C.I. Solvent Red 23; 1-(p-Phenylazophenylazo)-2-naphthol; 111440 Red; Brasilazina Oil Scarlet; C.I. 26100; Certiqual Oil Red; D and C Red No. 17; D&C Red No. 17;FDandC Red No. 17; Fast Oil Scarlet III; Fat Red Bluish; Fat Red HRR; Fat Red R; Fat Red RS; Fat Scarlet LB; Fat Soluble Red Zh; Grasal Brilliant Red G; Grasan Brilliant Red G; Japan Red 225; Japan Red No. 225; NSC 65825; NSC 8995; Oil Red 3G; Oil Red AS; Oil Red DR 126; Oil Red Extra; Oil Scarlet G; Organol Red BS; Organol Scarlet Red No. 225; RedZh; Silotras Scarlet TB; Solvent Red 23 Somalia Red III; Stearix Scarlet; Sudan 3; Sudan III Sudan P III; Sudan Red III; Sudan Red BK; Tetrazoben-zene-b-naphthol; Toney Red; Tony Red

Merck Index Number: 8884

Chemical / Dye Class: Azo

Molecular Formula: C22H16N4O

Molecular Weight: 352.39

Physical Form: Brown-red powder

Solubility: Insoluble in water; soluble in benzene, chloroform; moderately soluble in acetone, ether, petroleum ether; slightly soluble in ethanol, xylene

Melting Point: 195 °C

Boiling Point: 584.6 ± 35.0 °C, pressure: 760 Torr

pKa: 13.44 ± 0.50, most acidic, temperature: 25 °C

Absorption (λmax): 507 nm, 354 nm

Synthesis: Synthetic methods

Staining Applications: Lipids; fats; skin; lips; lipsticks; contact lens; eye shadow; keratin fibers; hairs; latex particles; nail enamel; sunscreen; spinal fluid31

Biological Applications: Antiseptic; preventing prostate cancer; medical devices; dental impression materials

Industrial Applications: Plasma display panels; liquid crystal displays; dielectric materials; photoresists; inks; toners; pesticides; cleansing products; textiles; fabric softener; oils; fuel cells; petroleum products

Safety / Toxicity: Acute cytogenetic effect; carcinogenicity; chromosomal aberration; genotoxicity; mutagenicity; neurotoxicity; skin toxicity

Certification / Approval: Certified by Biological Stain Commission (BSC)

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