Calcium Green 5N

Name: Calcium Green 5N

CAS Registry Number: 153130-66-6

Molecular Formula: Calcium Green 5N / 153130-66-6

CA Index Name: Glycine, N-[2-[2-[2-[bis(carboxy-methyl)amino]-5-[[(2',7'-dichloro-3',6'-dihydroxy-3-ox-ospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-[9H]xanthen]-5-yl)carbo-nyl]amino]phenoxy]ethoxy]-4-nitrophenyl]-N-(carboxy-methyl)-, hexapotassium salt

Other Names: Calcium green 5N

Merck Index Number: Not listed

Chemical / Dye Class: Xanthene

Molecular Formula: C43H26Cl2K6N4O18

Molecular Weight: 1192.19

Physical Form: Solid

Solubility: Soluble in water

Melting Point: > 250 °C

Absorption (λmax): 506 nm

Emission (λmax): 532 nm

Synthesis: Synthetic methods

Staining Applications: Calcium ions

Biological Applications: Calcium indicator

Industrial Applications: Not reported

Safety / Toxicity: No data available

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