QSY 9 Carboxylic Acid, Succinimidyl Ester

Name: QSY 9 Carboxylic Acid, Succinimidyl Ester

CAS Registry Number: 700834-40-8

Molecular Formula: QSY 9 Carboxylic Acid, Succinimidyl Ester / 700834-40-8

CA Index Name: Xanthylium, 9-[2-[[4-[[(2,5-dioxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)oxy]carbonyl]-1-piperidinyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]-3,6-bis[methyl(4-sulfophenyl)amino]-, chloride (1:1)

Other Names: Xanthylium, 9-[2-[[4-[[(2,5-dioxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)oxy]carbonyl]-1-piperidinyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]-3,6-bis[methyl(4-sulfophenyl)amino]-, chloride; QSY 9; QSY 9 carboxylic acid succinimidyl ester

Merck Index Number: Not listed

Chemical / Dye Class: Xanthene

Molecular Formula: C43H39ClN4O13S3

Molecular Weight: 951.43

Physical Form: Solid

Solubility: Soluble in water, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol

Melting Point: > 200 °C

Absorption (λmax): 562 nm

Synthesis: Synthetic methods

Staining Applications: Nucleic acids; oligonucleo-tides; antibody; G-protein

Biological Applications: Amplification assays; hybridization assays; litigation assays; ligand assays; FRET assays; detecting analyte, antigen, phosphoinositide kinase and phosphatase activity

Industrial Applications: Not reported

Safety / Toxicity: No data available

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