Basic Fuchsin

Name: Basic Fuchsin

CAS Registry Number: 632-99-5

Molecular Formula: Basic Fuchsin / 632-99-5

CA Index Name: Benzenamine, 4-[(4-aminophenyl)(4-imino-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)methyl]-2-methyl-, hydrochloride (1:1)

Other Names: Benzenamine, 4-[(4-aminophenyl)(4-imino-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene)methyl]-2-methyl-, monohydrochloride; C.I. Basic Violet 14, monohydrochloride; Rosaniline; 12418 Red; Aizen Magenta; Astra Fuchsine B; Basic Fuchsine; Basic Magenta; Basic Magenta E 200; Basic Violet 14; Basic fuchsin; C-WR Violet 8; C.I. 42510; C.I. Basic Violet 14; Calcozine Fuchsine HO; Calcozine Magenta RTN; Calcozine Magenta XX; Cerise B; Diabasic Magenta; Diamond Fuchsine; Fuchsin; Fuchsin basic; Fuchsine; Fuchsine A; Fuchsine CS; Fuchsine G; Fuchsine HO; Fuchsine N; Fuchsine RTN; Fuchsine SBP; Fuchsine Y; Lowacryl Violet 14; Magenta; Magenta DP; Magenta E; Magenta G; Magenta I; Magenta PN; Magenta Powder N; Magenta S; Magenta superfine; Orient Basic Magenta; RGB 20; RGN 10; RGN 10 (dye); Rosaniline chloride; Rosaniline hydrochloride; Rosanilinium chloride

Merck Index Number: 5652

Chemical / Dye Class: Triphenylmethane

Molecular Formula: C20H20ClN3

Molecular Weight: 337.85

Physical Form: Dark green crystals

Solubility: Soluble in water, ethanol; insoluble in ether

Melting Point: 200 °C (decompose)

Absorption (λmax): 543 nm

Synthesis: Synthetic methods

Staining Applications: Bacteria; cells; cytoplasm; nuclei; collagen; mucus; elastin; fats; lipids; fish; intestinal mucosa; fruit juices; fungi; nucleic acids; pathogens; white blood cells; nails; skin; lips; hairs; keratin fibers; shampoos

Biological Applications: Detecting cancer; treating Jock itch, oral fungal infection, piles; periodontal disease

Industrial Applications: Inks; highlighters; textiles

Safety / Toxicity: Acute toxicity; carcinogenicity; genotoxicity; mutagenicity

Certification / Approval: Certified by Biological Stain Commission (BSC)

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